Community Testimonials
ReleaseSCE™ products are helping to improve and change people's lives.
How will it help you?
“Whether you use ReleaseSCE on its own, combine it with medication to combat side effects or wean your child off medication, every child can benefit from ReleaseSCE as a brain booster, mood stabilizer and for the relief of anxiety.
The combination of ingredients helps and assists with combatting ADD and ADHD by feeding the brain what it needs to calm down and be focussed and it increases the memory.”
Autism, Asperger’s and Neuro Disorders
‘We used to battle with extremely high levels of anxiety and that is also something of the past.
Moms of children with special needs disabilities (whether it is Autism, Autoimmune disease, or Chronic Illness) are the most fearless moms on the planet.
We fight battles and overcome mountains which some will say is impossible. Yet we don't give up! And I would like to tell all those mothers, please try Release SCE it will change your life, I’m using it myself too, just to help me cope and it is definitely a life changer."
Panic Disorder, Brain surgery recovery and Depression
“Release, I don't have enough words of gratitude.
Panic disorder is not well known by the average person, but in a nutshell, it means that the person basically becomes a recluse because the moment they leave the "safe zone" and get an attack, it literally feels as if they are having a heart attack and will die. This leads to depression and a sense of worthlessness.”
Dementia and Alzheimer’s
“I am a caregiver and I look after an elderly lady with severe dementia, her anxiety was sometimes through the roof.
I spoke to her family and we started to give her the Release Syrup, what we found was that it had no negative effect on her scheduled dementia medicine and it worked very well together, in fact, I started to see better results with the Release_SCE.”
Executive and Study Stress
“I have improved energy, feel generally calmer, clearer mind (less brain fog), my appetite is stable and most significantly, my chronic headaches that I have suffered for years from, is remarkedly less”
This product truly improves my standard of living and is highly recommended”
Family Feedback
“It ended up being the best thing that I could have done for my daughter. Release_SCE boosted her confidence, took away her anxiety, she slept better and the bonus of all was the magnesium that put an end to the growing pains. Subsequently, my husband and myself started using Release_SCE for stress, anxiety, ADD and sleeplessness.
Release_SCE has brought calm and a good energy into our home and I love sharing this product because I know it will help so many more people”
Hypothyroidism and Epilepsy
“My doctor said she wanted to look into Release to see if it wouldn't interfere with his normal medicine. She phoned me back within the hour and had very positive things to say about Release.
She said that it can cause remission in Graves’ Disease patients and that I must continue giving it to him, it's a great accompaniment to his Chronic meds.”
“The constant change of hormone levels during menopause can have a troubling effect on emotions, leaving some women to feel irritable and even depressed.
When hormone levels begin to decline, as they do in the months and years leading up to menopause, every system that has hormone receptors registers the change, and that includes your brain.
Each time your hormone levels change, your brain chemistry has to compensate. Release_SCE supports and nourishes your brain during this time,”
Teenagers Stress
“He is not in fight or flight mode anymore, and he doesn’t need to justify himself the whole time, he speaks respectfully to us his parents again and there is also a definite improvement in his school work. He completes his chores without any arguments and he is not using any scheduled medicine anymore, after all these years he is finally free from that chemical hell.
All because of Release_SCE™ – WHOOOHOOO”

Autism, Asperger’s and Neuro Disorders
Panic Disorder, Brain surgery recovery and Depression
Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Executive and Study Stress
Family Feedback
Hypothyroidism and Epilepsy
T1 Diabetes, Aspergers and Autism
Teenagers Stress