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What is ReleaseSCE™?

Mental health icon
Caucasion man, holding a black cap and scratching his head
ReleaseSCE™ is a range of brain supplements. A combination of Plant extractions, Neuro-minerals, Neuro-vitamins and Amino acids which increase the brain’s ability to function under higher stress, improves your concentration, focus and increases your memory

Brain Food

ReleaseSCE™ is an exclusive cognitive range with our own, exclusive Sceletium Tortuosum alkaloid extraction of +/- 3.5% pure alkaloids, added to a combination of Neuro- Vitamins, Neuro- Chelated Minerals, high-quality, L-Theanine and a very pure Moringa extract.

No Hidden Ingredients

ReleaseSCE™  is Vegan friendly and has no hidden ingredients, artificial ingredients, or dangerous substances and is known as an ethical range. We guarantee the finest quality and ethically sourced ingredients.

Schedule 0

The ReleaseSCE™ formula is Scheduled 0 and the formula was designed according to the “Complimentary medicine D33.7 Western Herbal Combination” and has been formulated by a group of food scientists, pharmacists, researchers and developers. Appointed under strict GMP-compliant regulations, these experts manage, formulate, and produce all pH7 products.

Safe Alternative

A safe alternative for SSRIs and cognitive scheduled medication and works very well with emotional fatigue, anxiousness, mood swings, relaxation, ADD, ADHD and the maintenance of good mental health.

Quality Tested

All minerals and plant materials are self-sourced, and we ensure raw extraction and quality tests. Every batch is tested, verified and labeled according to the actual active content. All pH7 products are manufactured by GMP principles and are developed in line with top international standards.

For Everyone

The ReleaseSCE™ range is developed to assist anybody that needs an additional brain boost, a mental boost, helping with mental fatigue, anxiety attacks, post-covid symptoms and mental breakdown.

The impact ReleaseSCE™ has on people’s lives is life-changing and a fantastic experience to be part of.
“Wonderful, amazing, and fantastic product….my son is off Concerta since Nov 2019…no more anxiety or sleeping issues… it’s a ‘must’ in my house…”

Tracy Anne Scholes

Smiling african lady
Smiling caucasion lady
Smiling young african boy
Smiling newly married caucastion couple
Young caucasion father holding his young daughter
Brain wave pattern
ReleaseSCE™ is a range of innovative neuro-supplements that have the potential to combat mental fatigue and improve brain function. Assist your mental health as a priority, by feeding the brain and practicing self-care.  ReleaseSCE™ is suitable for persons young and old.
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ReleaseSCE™ (PTY) LTD


Suite 6L, Arun Place
Old Sir Lowry’s Pass Road
Somerset West 7130

South Africa

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Copyright© 2023 ReleaseSCE™ (PTY) LTD. All rights reserved. All content belongs to ReleaseSCE™ (PTY) LTD and all results have been verified. Use of this information constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (effective 1/09/18) and Privacy Policy (effective 1/09/18). The material in this document may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of ReleaseSCE™ (PTY) LTD. CEO A. Coetzee Somerset West, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.

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